Agrochemical Endocrine Disruptors (ED) Testing
Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are a kind of substances that interfere with the body's endocrine system and can produce adverse effects, which may have impact on individual animals, populations and ecosystems. Scientists are concerned about the long-term effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals for populations and ecosystems, and there is a growing demand to assess endpoints that indicate a substance's potential to cause endocrine disruption. A variety of organic chemicals have been identified as endocrine disruptors, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides, plasticizers, surfactants, pharmaceuticals, natural and synthetic estrogens, and plant and fungal estrogens. BOC Sciences offers tailored mechanistic investigations to expertly assess the potential of agrochemicals to disrupt endocrine signaling. A variety of testings supported by our laboratory include OECD Level 2 endocrine disruption and customized thyroid testing.
Figure 1. Obesity-associated changes in the physiological function of adipose. (Petrakis, D.; et al. 2017)
Features of Our ED Testing
- Design the optimal ED testing strategy to meet your needs
With years of experience in ED testing projects, BOC Sciences' experts can use their knowledge to provide you with scientific guidance on ED testing strategies.
- Support complex regulation related to EDs
By leveraging the experience and expertise of regulatory experts, scientists, analytical chemists and data analyzers, we can make scientific arguments that stand up to regulatory scrutiny and support our substance's ED profile.
- Cutting-edge technology for thyroid hormone measurement
BOC Sciences has pioneered a new technology for a range of OECD and EPA studies requiring thyroid function assessment, providing reliable and verifiable thyroid hormone results that overcome the common barriers to ED screening.
Assessment of Potential Risks
- Our experienced scientists have developed a unique suite of in vitro thyroid testings that are relevant to endocrine disruption in accordance with the current regulatory framework.
- All of our professional services are designed, developed and evaluated by our highly skilled scientists who can quickly assess the potential for chemicals to disrupt the endocrine system.
- To determine the potential risk, our experts are able to design a custom investigational testing procedure to accurately interpret the results to fully assess the impact of your compound on the endocrine system.
Figure 2. Regulation of cancer stem and epithelial plasticity by endocrine disruptors. (Petrakis, D.; et al. 2017)
Endocrine Disruption Services
OECD Tier 2 assays
- Androgen receptor
- Estrogen receptor
- Steroidogenesis
- Aromatase inhibition
Bespoke thyroid hormone disruption endpoints
- TPO inhibition
- Inhibition of rat, dog and human deiodinase 1, 2 or 3
- Sodium/iodide symporter inhibition (NIS)
- Cross-species comparative induction of UGT gene expression
- Thyroid Hormone Receptor inhibition, Human α and β isoforms
Other endpoints relevant for the customized risk assessment
- Avian reproduction assay
- Fish short-term reproductive screening assay
- Fish sexual development test (FSDT)
- Amphibian metamorphosis assay (AMA)
- Medaka extended one-generation reproduction test (MEOGRT)
- Larval amphibian growth & development assay
- Fish life cycle toxicity

Figure 3. Outline of normal hormonal response (A) and EDCs interference with hormone receptors (B). (Eva, M.; Svetlana, H. 2012)
BOC Sciences Advantages
- Highly specialized technical and analytical services for the worldwide registration and regulatory compliance of agrochemicals
- Robust analytical testing programs that span from research and product development through the production process to final product
- Relies on broad industrial experience, ensuring that all of our work meets the high standards expected by our clients
- Our regulatory experts, toxicology consultants, scientists and inspectors will ensure that you receive maximum levels of guidance, testing and inspection you need.
- Petrakis, D.; et al. Endocrine Disruptors Leading to Obesity and Related Diseases. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017. 14(10): 1282.
- Eva, M.; Svetlana, H. Endocrine disrupting pesticides. Eva, M.; Svetlana, H. Pesticides-Advances in Chemical and Botanical Pesticides. 2012.
Human Safety & Health
- Agrochemical Non-genotoxic Carcinogenicity Evaluations
- Agrochemical Neurotoxicology Evaluations
- Agrochemical Endocrine Toxicology Evaluations
- Agrochemical In Silico Predictive Toxicology Evaluations
- Agrochemical In Vitro Toxicology Evaluations
- Agrochemical General Toxicology
- Agrochemical Genetic Toxicology Evaluations
- Agrochemical Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) Evaluations
- Agrochemical Inhalation Toxicology Evaluations