Agrochemical Environmental Fate & Metabolism Studies

Agrochemical Environmental Fate & Metabolism Studies

In recent years, the environmental impact of crop protection products has received increasing attention from the academic community since environmental fate studies provide useful information on the fate and behavior of agrochemical products in the environment, and help determine the risks posed to human and environmental health. To understand the potential for human dietary exposure, metabolic studies are employed to determine the behavior of test substances and the nature of residues in animals and plants. BOC Sciences' robust agrochemical environmental fate and metabolism studies help you test and record the behavior of pesticides and other agrochemicals under controlled field and laboratory conditions. We have unparalleled insight and expertise in the design and execution of the agrochemical environmental fate and metabolism studies to provide reliable environmental fate and metabolism studies for your crop protection products.

The environmental fate of pesticides.Figure 1. The environmental fate of pesticides. (Ahemad, M.; Saghir, K. M. 2013)

Agrochemical Environmental Fate Studies

Environmental fate refers to the fate of a chemical or plant protection product after its use and release into the environment. BOC Sciences has utilized our extensive, flexible facilities and dedicated team to predict the possible environmental fate of a chemical through providing you with a suite of environmental fate assessment solutions that meet globally recognized standards.

Agrochemical Metabolism Testing

We have established a timely and cost-effective strategy to conduct metabolism studies with many complex endpoints, addressing the issue of complexity of crop protection product metabolism studies. By combining expertise in analytical chemistry, environmental modeling and metabolite identification with regulatory insight and experience, our expert teams can ensure that the results of research program meets your needs.

Features of Our Services

  • Our scientific team has many years of experience conducting radiolabeled environmental fate and plant metabolism studies.
  • We offer a full range of environmental fate and metabolism services (both labeled and unlabeled), including field and laboratory studies that will provide information on the mechanisms, pathways and rate of degradation of different agrochemical products and the risks these pose for human or environmental health.
  • Our studies are well designed and executed by a team of experienced scientists and technicians in accordance with recent guidelines and guidance documents.

Flow chart showing the sequence of events from pesticides entry into a plant to the death of the plant.Figure 2. Flow chart showing the sequence of events from pesticides entry into a plant to the death of the plant. (Ahemad, M.; Saghir, K. M. 2013)

BOC Sciences Advantages

  • Highly specialized technical and analytical services for the worldwide registration and regulatory compliance of agrochemicals
  • Robust analytical testing programs that span from research and product development through the production process to final product
  • Relies on broad industrial experience, ensuring that all of our work meets the high standards expected by our clients
  • Our regulatory experts, toxicology consultants, scientists and inspectors will ensure that you receive maximum levels of guidance, testing and inspection you need.


  • Ahemad, M.; Saghir, K. M. Pesticides as Antagonists of Rhizobia and the Legume-Rhizobium Symbiosis: a Paradigmatic and Mechanistic Outlook. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. 2013.2013, 1(4): 63-75.
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