Sediment Toxicology Studies for Agrochemicals

Sediment Toxicology Studies for Agrochemicals

Aquatic sediments at the bottom of lakes, streams and rivers can serve as a sink for chemical compounds such as nutrients, metals, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls. Sediments from many streams and rivers receive high concentrations of chemical contaminants, posing an unacceptable risk to humans and aquatic biota over time. Many aquatic organisms are sediment-dwelling benthic animals that come in direct contact with the contaminants bound in the substrate. Sediment toxicity testing and bioassays are important tools for regulators and scientists to study the toxicity, bioaccumulation and bioavailability of agrochemicals products to benthic organisms. However, it is considered complex because the characteristics of the sediment matrix and the compounds being tested can greatly affect the bioavailability to benthic organisms. In general, sediment tests utilize sediment-dwelling organisms, such as Chironomus dilutus and Hyalella Azteca, to determine sediment quality in the areas of ecological concern. BOC Sciences biologists have extensive experience in culturing and examining many different species of freshwater, saltwater and sediment organisms. These test organisms are exposed to sediments collected from the field under controlled conditions in the laboratory. Artificial sediments are used as laboratory controls, thus creating a standard against which test quality and the response of the test organisms could be compared. The sediment test integrates the effects of all sediment contaminants and any synergistic, additive or antagonistic interactions that occur between them. Our advanced bioanalytical laboratory is able to support our toxicologists to design a customized sediment toxicity testing for agrochemicals to meet the numerous requirements for a particular project.

Whole-sediment toxicity test species.Figure 1. Whole-sediment toxicity test species. (Simpson, S. L.; et al. 2016)

Agrochemicals Sediment Toxicology Testing

  • OECD 218: Chironomid toxicity using spiked sediment
  • OECD 219: Chironomid toxicity using spiked water
  • OECD 225: Lumbriculus toxicity using spiked sediment
  • OECD 233: Chironomid life-cycle toxicity using spiked water or spiked sediment
  • OECD 315: Bioaccumulation in sediment-dwelling benthic oligochaetes
  • OCSPP 850.1735, OCSPP 850.1740: Whole sediment acute toxicity invertebrates
  • Hyalella azteca 42-day (chronic) test
  • Life-cycle test to measure the effects of sediment associated contaminants on Chironomus dilutus
  • Chronic toxicity of marine and estuarine sediment associated contaminants with the amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus

Schematic diagram of sediment toxicity tests (28 days).Figure 2. Schematic diagram of sediment toxicity tests (28 days). (Liu, X.; et al. 2019)

Features of Our Services

  • To measure toxicity, we use specific biological endpoints (e.g., mortality, reduced growth) to assess the organism's response to contaminants in the sediment.
  • BOC Sciences conducts the sediment toxicity testing through sediment matrix and spiked bioassays.
  • We have extensive experience in conducting whole sediment acute and chronic studies with invertebrates in both fresh and salt water.

BOC Sciences Advantages

  • Highly specialized technical and analytical services for the worldwide registration and regulatory compliance of agrochemicals
  • Robust analytical testing programs that span from research and product development through the production process to final product
  • Relies on broad industrial experience, ensuring that all of our work meets the high standards expected by our clients
  • Our regulatory experts, toxicology consultants, scientists and inspectors will ensure that you receive maximum levels of guidance, testing and inspection you need.


  • Simpson, S. L.; et al. Sediment Toxicity Testing. 2016. 7: 198-237.
  • Liu, X.; et al. Single and joint oxidative stress-related toxicity of sediment-associated cadmium and lead on Bellamya aeruginosa. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019. 26(24): 24695-24706.
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