Agrochemical Metabolism Testing

Agrochemical Metabolism Testing

Agrochemical metabolic studies are performed to determine the behavior of test substances and the nature of residues in animals and plants so that we can understand the potential of the agrochemical product for human dietary exposure. Studies of metabolism in crops are used to elucidate the degradation pathways of the active ingredients and require the identification of metabolism and/or degradation products when agrochemicals are applied directly or indirectly to crops. The metabolism study should be submitted for each type of crop. At BOC Sciences, we have established advanced laboratories to test the effects of agrochemicals and substances. Agrochemical metabolites are quantified by being labeled, and the preferred radioisotope is 14C. In addition, samples of all raw agricultural materials are collected for characterization and/or identification of residues and determination of the total radioactive residues.

Our Services

Aiming to provide robust evidence on the metabolism of your crop protection product to address concerns over its potential risk to humans and the environment, BOC Sciences helps you find a timely and cost-effective way to identify the complex endpoints needed for agrochemical metabolism studies that meet the specific needs of the regulatory agencies in your target market.

Soil, Water/Sediment Metabolism Studies for Agrochemicals

Higher-tiered biodegradation tests are designed to simulate the natural environment in which a test substance is applied or enters. BOC Sciences has an extensive and deep history in analytical chemistry, and our team has accumulated rich experience in analyzing thousands of soil and water samples.

Animal Metabolism Studies for Agrochemicals

Whether it is through potential absorption from feed or through therapeutic application to animals, it is crucial to determine the sorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of your crop protection products so that potential human dietary exposure can be identified. Our laboratories contain advanced chromatographic and mass spectrometry equipment including NMR, LC-Tof, LC-Qtof and LC-Orbitrap which provide an efficient metabolite profiling and identification service.

Plant Metabolism Studies for Agrochemicals

Crop products can be exposed to agrochemicals through direct application or uptake of residues from the soil. Therefore, determining the metabolism and residues formed in crops from this exposure pathway is important for determining potential dietary intakes for humans. We are able to grow almost all commercially important crops and have agronomist experts for the in-life phase achieving reliable crop yields throughout the year.

Dermal Absorption Studies for Agrochemicals

In general, dermal absorption studies are often conducted at a late stage in development of your crop protection product and therefore have tight deadlines, and BOC Sciencescan deliver quality data in a timely fashion. Our human in vitro studies are conducted on human skin obtained from approved sources. In addition, we support in vitro and in vivo studies in the rats to predict dermal absorption in humans.

Features of Our Services

  • In combination with our advanced laboratories, our expert and experienced staffs are able to perform analytical phases of metabolism studies.
  • We provide total radioactive residue, extraction, matrix cleanup, metabolite ID, isolation, and characterization/radioprofiles of the residues documentation for routine and challenging project requirements.

BOC Sciences Advantages

  • Highly specialized technical and analytical services for the worldwide registration and regulatory compliance of agrochemicals
  • Robust analytical testing programs that span from research and product development through the production process to final product
  • Relies on broad industrial experience, ensuring that all of our work meets the high standards expected by our clients
  • Our regulatory experts, toxicology consultants, scientists and inspectors will ensure that you receive maximum levels of guidance, testing and inspection you need.
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