Avian Ecotoxicology Studies for Agrochemicals

Avian Ecotoxicology Studies for Agrochemicals

Birds are a group of animals with unique physiological adaptations, behaviors, and ecologic niches that make them susceptible to the potential toxicity of many natural and anthropogenic toxicants in the environment. Therefore, birds are also considered as valuable indicators and biomonitors of environmental quality and sentinels of potential risks for human health. Agrochemicals avian ecotoxicology is a subject that studies the movement of contaminants from agrochemicals through ecosystems and their harmful effects on birds. Compounds capable of interfering with the endocrine system may also be able to alter the reproduction and behavior in birds and, therefore, serve as potential causes of population decline. Some agrochemicals such as organochlorine compounds, veterinary drugs and pesticides are the ones most often described as harmful to bird populations. Finally, data from experimental tests are needed to determine the safety of pesticides and industrial chemicals. BOC Sciences has incorporated a number of avian toxicity research projects into our testing programs with the goal of providing toxicity data that can be used to generate useful data prior to the pesticide registration.

Studying effects of toxic chemicals on birds.Figure 1. Studying effects of toxic chemicals on birds. (PTI. 2019)

Features of Our Services

BOC Sciences has established one of the world's premier avian safety laboratories, offering the design of custom acute breeding and safety assessment studies to evaluate the hazards of pesticides to avian species. We offer the full suite of acute and reproduction studies (radiolabeled and non-labeled), as well as custom designed investigations in non-traditional species to meet the specific needs of our clients.

  • Acute oral safety assessments - including regulatory endpoints
  • Subacute dietary safety assessments
  • Pathogenicity and safety studies for the biopesticides testing
  • Food avoidance/repellency studies with treated seeds and pellets
  • Screen and/or test for potential endocrine effects
  • Multi-generational reproduction studies with endocrine endpoints
  • Delayed neurotoxicity studies in hens
  • Poultry feeding and metabolism studies
  • Residue and metabolism studies in avian species

A complete portfolio of agrochemicals avian ecotoxicology testing services

  • OECD 223: Avian Acute Oral Toxicity
  • OECD 205/OCSPP 850.2200: Dietary Toxicity Test
  • OPPTS 885.4050: Microbial Pesticide Test Guidelines-Avian Oral, Tier I
  • OPPTS 885,4100: Microbial Pesticide Test Guidelines-Avian Inhalation Test, Tier I

Principal components of a standardized Avian indoor microcosm.Figure 2. Principal components of a standardized Avian indoor microcosm. (Boudou, A.; Ribeyre, F. 1997)

BOC Sciences Advantages

  • Highly specialized technical and analytical services for the worldwide registration and regulatory compliance of agrochemicals
  • Robust analytical testing programs that span from research and product development through the production process to final product
  • Relies on broad industrial experience, ensuring that all of our work meets the high standards expected by our clients
  • Our regulatory experts, toxicology consultants, scientists and inspectors will ensure that you receive maximum levels of guidance, testing and inspection you need.


  • PTI. Avian ecotoxicology: from the ecosystem to the cellular and molecular levels. THE WEEK. 2019.
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